Book the best Kenya Wildlife Safaris at low discounted prices

Kenya wildlife Tours /kenya safaris /Kenya tours is very ready to introduce you to Kenya

Kenya is undoutebly Africa's top travel destination . Kenya tours /kenya safaris offers what any other enthusiasting traveler would die for to experience . Kenya is blessed with mutiple national parks and landcapes that has from time to time brought in a huge inlfux of the travelers. some of the most notable and popular destinarions in kenya include Masai mara national reserve a proud and famous host of the great annual wildbeest migration one of the most anticipated wildlife exodus, mara also is home to the big five among other wildlife and bird species. Kenya is also home to Mount Kenya another incredible feature that severals visitors on a kenya safari seek to go and have an experience of . Kenya has also several national park that has from time to time been amazing destination for many travelers on top of the long streching coast that has turned out to be a hot spot for any travelers on kenya holidays/ kenya tour.
Some of the best kenya safari/kenya tour destionation include masai mara national reserve, Amboseli national park, Tsavo east and Tsavo west national park , Aberdare national park, lake nakuru national park, Mount Kenya national park among others.

Best African Kenya Holidays 2024 / 2025

10 Days Best of Kenya Safari (Top Discounted Package)

10 Days Best of Kenya Wildlife safari package offers an ultimate tour to 7 top safari destinations in Kenya, this safari offers an insight in Kenya’s safari attractions such as endemic wildlife species, dramatic landscapes, rift valley lakes, birdlife and wildlife. 10 days best of Kenya safari offers a visit to Amboseli national park.

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Uganda Safari Lion

7 Days Kenya wildlife Safari

7 days Kenya wildlife safaris is a perfect Kenya wildlife safari package ideal for tourists interested in wildlife, watching the beautiful scenery in Kenya and watching some species of birds. This safari package offers a visit to some of the amazing Kenya tour destinations including Tsavo West national park.

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budget Uganda safari


Kenya is a top tourist destination in East Africa, Africa and the whole world, Kenya is located in Africa lieing on the earth’s equator. This beautiful country and one of a kind tourist destination is situated in East Africa and it is bordered by Ethiopia to the north, South Sudan in the north-west, Somalia in the north-east, Uganda in the west and Tanzania in the south. Kenya is flanked by Indian coast line and as a whole country serves a diverse ecological ranging from the Great Rift Valley, mountain highlands, lakes, savannah grasslands, beaches, bird species to wildlife species.

Kenya hosts a wide range of wildlife species/animals living in numerous national parks with annual wildebeest migration which is the worldly most sought for spectacle in Kenya by many tourists on kenya safaris/ kenya wildlife safaris/ kenya tours , annual wildebeest migration happens in Masai Mara national reserve one of the famous national parks in Kenya and it takes place from July to October. The annual wildebeest migration involves the migration of thousands of wildebeests, Thomson’s gazelle and onal cuisines influenced by numerous tribes in Kenya are also presented and these include Ugali, Irio, Wali wa nazu and many more.

Tourist attractions in Kenya 

Tourist attractions in Kenya range from national park, national reserves, sanctuaries, mountains, lakes, archeological sites, museums, tribal communities and their cultures, beaches and many more as they are detailed below. 

National Parks in Kenya 

Ruma National Park

Ruma national park is Kenya’s only terrestrial park located in Nyanza province, in Lambwe valley  with Homa Bay as the nearest city, Ruma national park covers an area of 120 square kilomters and it is also refered to as “the last Retreat of the Roan Antelope” as it protects the only indigenous population of the rare roan antelopes in Kenya with about 40 individuals.

Ruma national park was established as Lambwe Valley Game reserve in 1966, later its name was changed to Ruma derived from one of Kenya’s most powerful and feared Wizards Gor Mahia who had settled around the park.  Ruma national park is a home to a variety of animals and birds species, animals in the park includes Rothschild’s giraffe, serval cats, hyena, impala, vervet monkey, roan antelopes, Oribi, Bohor, reedbuck, leopard, buffalo, black rhinos, white rhino, Burchell’s zebra, Jackson’s hartebeests and many more. There is also reptiles found in Ruma national park and they include Africa spitting cobra, forest cobra, python, eastern green mamba, black-mouthed mamba, puff adder, lizard, skink and gecko. 

A variety of bird species inhabit in Ruma national park with over 400 recorded species, these birds include African fish eagle, pelicans, kingfishers, ostriches, sunbirds, blue swallow, red-eyed dove, speckled pigeon, wood dove, black coucal, Dideric cuckoo, Klaas’s cuckoo and many more. 

Ruma national park offers many memorable safari activities that are game viewing safari experiences, bird watching, boat cruise on Lake Victoria, fishing experiences on Lake Victoria and nature walks. 

Chyulu hills national park

Chyulu hills national park is a picturesque national park consisting of various green rolling hills, cones, lava flows and caves, this national park is located in Makueni county south east of Nairobi and lies within Tsavo west national park and Amboseli ecosystem. Chyulu hills national park covering an area of 741 square kilometers is part of the Tsavo conservation area which consists of Tsavo west national park, Tsavo east national park and the Kibwezi forest.

Chyulu hills national park consists of a scenic landscape which is made up of green covered rolling hills and caves, the hills in this park consist of several hundred small flows and cones which were formed as a result of volcanism in about 1.4 million years ago. Up to today these volcanoes are still considered active and their eruptions are noticed to have taken place in 1856. The scenic landscape of the park is made up of Chyulu hills which consist of features like volcanic ash cones, barren lava, big black rocks and Levithan cave. 

Chyulu hills national park is dominated by grassland and thickets on lower parts of the hills, above 1800 meters there is montane forest with various tree species such as prunus Africana, olcena capensis, juniperus procera, erythrina abyssinica and many more. Among the great ecological system found in Chyulu hills national park there is a variety of wildlife and bird species, animals include eastern black rhinos, cape buffaloes, bushbucks, elands, elephants, bush pigs, Masai giraffe, leopards, lions, mountain reedbucks, steenbok, wildebeest, grant’s zebras, cheetahs and many more. Snakes in Chyulu hills national park include black mamba, puff adder and rock python. 

Chyulu hills national park is a bird haven with over 171 bird species and they include Francolinus shelleyi, crested guinea, rameron pigeon, tambourine dove, African green pigeon, purple crested  coucal, Eurasian nightjar, alpine swift, black crake, crowned eagle, pearly-spotted owlet, speckled mouse bird, common scimitar bill, scaly francolin, Zoothera gurneyi, Polemaetus and many more

Chyulu hills national park offers excellent and interesting safari experience that are game viewing, camping, birding, mountain climbing and horse riding.

Kora National Park 

Kora national park in Kenya is located in Tana River County in a distance of 125 kilometers from Mount Kenya with Garissa as the nearest city, this park’s northern boundary is crossed by Tana River with its features which include Adamson’s galls, grand falls and Kora falls and the eastern boundary is marked by Mwitamvisi River. Kora national park established in 1989 is a home to the Adamsons’ Camp – Kampi ya Simba and a former home of Gorge and joy Adamson. 

Kora National Park’s landscape is crossed by seasonal rivers and consists of inselbergs, domed hills/hard rocks that are seen rising at various altitudes in the topography of the park. Inselbergs are the most produced features in the park and they include Mansumbi at the altitude of 488 meters, Kumbulanwa at 450 meters and Kora Rock 442 meters. The park is dominated by acacia bushland covering the most area of the park and riverine forests.  

in Kora national park there is a wide range of both animal and bird species, animals in the park include caracal, African bush elephant, Tanzanian cheetah, genet, hippos, spotted and striped hyenas, African leopard, lion, serval, wildcat, various types of antelopes and many more. Kora national park is an ideal birding spot  with bird species such as spot flanked barbet, black-throated barbet, Pel’s fishing owl, eastern yellow billed hornbills, white-backed night heron, orange-bellied parrots, busra reed warbler, Malindi pipit and many more.

Giraffes in Kora National Park

Ruma national park offers breathtaking safari activities such as game viewing, birding, fishing and rock climbing 

Malindi Marine national park 

Malindi Marine national park is a unique marine park located in the Indian Ocean on the East Coast of Kenya in Malindi and in a distance of about 118 kilometers north of Mombasa, the park is a renowned tourist destination refered to as “the coral garden” and claimed to be the oldest marine park in Africa. 

Malindi Marine national park endowed with fringing reefs, coral gardens in the lagoons, sea grass beds, mangroves, mudflats, marine mammals, turtles, various species of shorebirds, fine white-sandy beaches, emerald water and colorful fish, this amazing destination offers tourists an opportunity to swim with zebra fish, participate in windsurfing and enjoying amazing sights and cool breeze of Indian Ocean. 

Malindi Marine national park inhabits a variety of marine animals which include tropical fish, barracuda, dolphins, turtles, zebra fish, star fish, jelly fish, deep sea turtles, octopus and several bird species along the shores of the ocean. 

At Malindi Marine national park tourists get to enjoy safari activities such as bird watching, camping, diving, glass bottom boat rides, scenic viewing, snorkeling, sun bathing, water skiing, nature walks and wind surfing. 

Mombasa marine national park 

Mombasa marine national park is a marine park situated on the coast in Mombasa, Kenya. This amazing popular tourist destination lies between Mtwapa and Tudor creeks covering an area of 210 square kilometers, Mombasa Marine national park comprises of warm Azure Ocean with blue water and white sandy beaches with swaying coconut palms.

Mombasa Marine national park is a home to a variety of marine species such as crabs, starfish, stone fish, cucumbers sea urchins, corals, turtles, sea grasses and various migratory bird species such as crab plovers, roseate tern and many more.

Mombasa Marine national park is famous for amazing safari experience it offers and these include diving, snorkeling, sun bathing, water skiing and wind surfing. 

Mount Longonot national park

Mount Longonot national park dubbed as the sheer adventure is a scenic national park located north east of Nairobi in approximately 90 kilometers and south of Lake Naivasha, this amazing national park covers an area of 52 square kilometers and it is famous for mount Longonot and a variety of animals hosted in the park. Mount Longonot is an extinct volcano rising from the floor of the Great Rift Valley standing at the altitude of 2,776 meters above the sea level, the mountain consists of a 8x12 kilometer caldera which was left behind due to an eruption which is said to have happened in 1860s. Mountain Longonot is named after a Masai word Oloonong’ot meaning Mountains of many spurs.

Mount Longonot national park hosts a wide range of wildlife and bird species, animals living in this park include several species of antelopes, Cape buffalo, zebras, leopards, baboons, giraffe, lion, elands, bushbucks, grant’s gazelles and many more. Birds in Mount Longonot national park are over 110 species and they include ostriches, Egyptian goose, helmeted guinea fowl, yellow-necked francolin, ring-necked dove, laughing dove, common swift, Nyaza swift, African swift, gray crowned crane, crowned lapwing, black stork, black headed heron, hadada Ibis, black kite, Augur Buzzard, secretary bird and many more. There is a small a small population of wildlife species in this park and they include sitatunga antelope, defassa waterbuck, bush buck, African spot-necked otter, African clawless otter, red-legged sun squirrels and Bohor reedbuck.

Mount Longonot national park offers a wide range of safari activities such as game watching, hiking mount Longonot, rock climbing, biking and birding.

Ol Donyo Sabuk national park 

Ol Donyo Sabuk national park is a rugged national park dominated by a small mountain covered in montane forest located in Kyanzavi Division, Machakos County with Thika Kenya as the nearest town, this park lies in a distance of 65 kilometers from Nairobi. Ol Donyo Sabuk national park covers an area of 20.7 square kilometers which hosts a variety of tourist attractions, these include about 45 bird species, wildlife species, montane landscape, McMillan grave, fourteen falls and the park also boosts scenic views of mountain Kenya’s summit.

Wildlife species in Ol Donyo Sabuk national park include buffaloes, bush bucks, leopards, baboons, aardvarks, porcupines, mongoose, pythons, monitor lizards and many more. Birds include white browed sparrow weaver, grey-headed sparrow weaver, African pied wagtail, mourning dove, augur buzzard, Africa hawk eagle and many more.

Tourists on a safari visit in Ol Donyo Sabuk national park get an opportunity to participate in game viewing safari experience, mountain climbing experience, camping and game viewing.

Saiwa Swamp national park 

Saiwa Swamp national park in Kenya is a thriving tourist destination and a national park located in Trans-Nzoia country, Rift Valley Province near Kitale, the park is a forested paradise comprising of exotic flowers, trees, birds and refered to as the sanctuary of the sitatunga antelopes because it is a home to the rare and endangered Semi aquatic sitatunga.

Saiwa Swamp national park is a relatively small national park covering an area of only 3 square kilometers but regardless the park comprises of a variety of tourist attractions which include a variety of bird species, insects, plants, reptiles and Amphibians. Saiwa Swamp national park is dominated by tropical wetlands, riverine forest, sedges and acacia woodlands with fringing dense rushes and grass beds. Insects found in this park include African mocker swallowtail, Papillion dardanus, rains ants, dragon flies, damselfies and various species of butterflies such as swallowtails and charaxes. Reptiles and Amphibians in Saiwa Swamp national park include frogs and toads, bell’s hinged tortoise, blue headed tree agama lizards, side stripped chameleon and snakes such as forest cobra and African rock python.

Birds found in Saiwa Swamp national park include lesser jacana, African black duck, grey heron, narina trogons, collared and orange-tufted sunbird, yellow bishop, Hartlaub's marsh widow birds, noisy Ross’ turaco, gonolek, cinnamon-chested bee-eaters, crowned cranes and many more. in this amazing park there is various tourist activities to do and they include bird watching, game viewing, photography safaris and scenic viewing.

Sibiloi national park 

Sibiloi national park in Kenya is situated on the edge of Lake Turkana the largest desert lake in the world on the northeastern shores, the park is located in the northern region of Kenya. Sibiloi national park is a world heritage sites and known as the cradle of humankind because of the unique fossil and archeological significance it holds, this park is located in the far northern frontier of Kenya near the border of Kenya and Ethiopia.

Sibiloi national park comprises of numerous tourist attractions which include Lake Turkana, Petrified Forest lieing on the edge of Sibiloi Mountain at Alia Bay, Jarigole pillars an excavation site of a pre-iron age burial ground, Koobi For a home of fossil skeletons, wildlife and birds. Sibiloi national park is a major breeding ground for Nile crocodiles , there is also a variety of animals in park which include Grevy’s zebra, Beisa Oryx, Gerenuk and greater kadu, lion, leopard, cheetah, stripped and spotted hyena, jackal, caracal and many more.

In Sibiloi national park there is over 300 bird species which include flamingoes, pelicans, African skimmers, herons, gulls, heuglin’s bustard, crested lark, pelicans and many more 

There are a number of tourist activities to do in Sibiloi national park and these include game viewing, visiting Koobi museum, bird watching, cultural experience, visiting Lake Turkana Island, guided nature walks and camping. 

Central island national park 

Central island national park in Kenya is the gem of Lake Turkana located in northern region of Kenya in the middle of Lake Turkana, the park is found on an island on the world’s largest permanent desert lake which is Lake Turkana. Lake Turkana also refered to as the crocodile island is the most saline great lake in Africa, Central Island national park covers an area of 5 square kilometers and it is famous for hosting a large population of crocodiles and volcanoes.

Central Island national park comprises of numerous tourist attractions such as a large crocodile kingdom with estimated 12,000 crocodile individuals, the world’s largest crocodile nursery where baby crocodile can be heard squeaking in their eggs buried deep beneath the sand, venomous reptiles, prehistoric fish species and a variety of bird species.  Venomous reptiles in Central Island national park include saw-scaled viper, night and puff adder and cobras, fish species in the park include Nile perch, puffer fish, tilapia and many more. Birds in Central Island national park are about 350 species and they include goliath heron, African skimmers, Egyptian goose, great egrets, less egrets, sacred ibis, osprey, swallow tailed kites, grey heron, lesser flamingoes, duck and dulls, African open-billed stock and many more.

Central Island national park offers exciting safari activities such as game viewing, bird watching, boat rides, guided nature walks and fishing. 

Malka Mari national park 

Malka Mari national park in Kenya is one of the remote national park and least visited because of its location, Malka Mari national park covering an area of 1,500 square kilometers is located in the top north-eastern region of Kenya along the Dawa River and border on the Kenya-Ethiopia border. The park is mostly dominated by semi-arid and scrubby grasslands with riparian woodland along Dawa River which transverses through the semi-dessert park.

Malka Mari national park boasts of scenic views of spectacular plateau, hills and valleys and on clear nights the park is a perfect place to watch stars on the sky making ideal for camping, on the boundaries of the park there lives the nomadic Gurreh people who are visiting on cultural visits. Malka Mara national park is a home to a reasonable number of wildlife species such as Dik-Diks, gazelles, Nile crocodiles, zebras, genet, lizards, antelopes, Somali giraffe, crocuta/hyena Agama and many more.  Apart from valley and hills, there is Malkamari fort is a major attraction in Malka Mari national park.

Lions in Malka Mara National Park

Things to do in Malka Mari national park include visiting Malka Mari fort, hiking, game viewing, guided nature walks, cultural experiences and hot air balloon experience

Kisite-Mpunguti Marine National Park

Kisite-Mpunguti Marine National Park in Kenya is located on the south coast of Indian Ocean off Shimoni and south of Wasini island in Kwale district, this park is situated in the coastal province near the Kenya-Tanzania border. Kisite-Mpunguti Marine national park consists of Kisite park covering an area of 11 square kilometers and Mpunguti reserve covering an area of 28 square kilometers , the whole park’s area comprises of 4 small islands which are surrounded by coral reefs. 

Kisite-Mpunguti Marine national park comprises of amazing tourist attractions which include Kenyan barrier reef which is the most outstanding feature of Kenyan coast , enchanted underwater kingdom consisting of living coral gardens, sculpted islands, seabirds and clear waters, turtle territory featuring a huge population of turtles with green and hawksbill, Kisite Island an important bird area with various seabirds and  Shimoni slave caves  situated in a 5 minutes’ walk from Shimoni pier.

Things to do in Kisite-Mpunguti Marine national park include scenic viewing, diving, snorkeling, sunbathing, camping, bird watching and visiting Shimoni slave caves.

Ndere Island national park 

Ndere Island national park is located on an island in Lake Victoria the largest inland lake in Africa, Ndere Island national park covers an area of 4 square kilometers and the park boosts magnificent scenic views of Homa hills in the south, Mageta Island in the east and glimpses of Kampala the capital city of Uganda in the east.

Ndere Island national park comprises of numerous tourist attractions such as wildlife, bird life and vegetation species. Animal species include aquatic Sitatunga antelope, zebras, warthogs, waterbucks, troops of monkeys and baboons, hippos, impalas, aardvark, monitor lizards, Nile crocodiles, snakes and may more.  Birds in Ndere Island national park are over 100 species and they include hamerkop, kingfisher, gonolek, fish eagles, goliath heron and many more.   

Things to do in Ndere Island national park include wildlife viewing, sport fishing, bird watching, hiking the rolling Homa hills, guided walking safaris and sightseeing.

Amboseli National Park

Amboseli national park is one of the most scenic national parks in Kenya located south east of Nairobi in the rift valley region, Loitoktok district. Amboseli national park stretches through an area of 392 square kilometers. This scenic park is refered to as the land of giants and it is famous because of the scenic backdrop of mountain Kilimanjaro the tallest free standing mountain in Africa and the huge herds of elephants with impressive big tusks living in the park.

Amboseli national park comprises of many fascinating tourist attractions including wildlife, birdlife, lakes, swamps and marshes, scenic backdrop of mountain Kilimanjaro, elephant research camp, the observation hill and the Masai local people with their unique culture. Animals in Amboseli national park include large herds of elephants, cape buffaloes, lions, cheetahs, spotted hyenas, leopards, Masai giraffes, zebras, wildebeests, hippos, impalas, grant’s and Thomson’s gazelles and many more. Birds in Amboseli national park are over 400 species and they include egrets, herons, pelicans, crowned cranes and many more. Grasslands inhabit ground birds such as hartlaub’s bustard, localized pangani long claw, steel-blue whydah, white-billed go-away bird, von der Decken’s hornbill, African jacanas, Rufous chatterer, Eurasian thick-knees, long-toed lapwings, pangani long claws, yellow necked spur fowls and many more. 

The Famous Amboseli National Park

Things to do in Amboseli national park include game viewing, bird watching,  hot air balloon experience, cultural visits and scenic viewing.

Tsavo West national park 

Tsavo West National Park the land of lava, springs, man-eaters and magical sunset is located in the coast province of Kenya, this park covers an area of 7,065 square kilometers and it is part of the Tsavo conservation area (TCA) which comprises of Tsavo East national park and they are both separated by just a railway. 

Tsavo west national park is a fascinating beauty dominated by rugged landscape and savannah ecosystem consisting of open grasslands, scrublands, acacia woodlands and belts of riverine vegetation.  The park comprises of numerous tourist attractions including Mzima springs, volcanic arena, Lake Jipe, Ngulia sanctuary, First World War site, Shetani lava flow and wildlife and bird species.  Tsavo west national park is famous land for hosting millions of lions which halted the construction of Uganda-Kenya railway line, animals found in this park include lions, eastern black rhinoceros, leopard, cape buffalo, Masai giraffe, hippos, klipspringers, fringe-eared Oryx, gerenuk, lesser kudu, busy baby, hartebeests, elands and many more. Birds in Tsavo west national park are over 400 species and they include African finfoot, Basra reed warbler, black-faced sand grouse, corncrake, golden pipit, golden-breasted starling, lesser kestrel, marsh warbler, pangani Longclaw, red-bellied parrot and many more. 

Things to do in Tsavo West national park include game viewing, bird watching, cave exploration, underwater hippo and fish watching, rock climbing 

Tsavo East national park

 Tsavo East national park is one of the oldest and largest national parks in Kenya stretching through a semi-arid area previously known as Taru desert, this park is located in Taita-Taveta country formerly known as Coast province with Voi as the nearest town. Tsavo East national park derives its name from Tsavo River flowing through the park west to west and covers an area of 13,747 square kilometers.

Tsavo East national park comprises of numerous fascinating attractions including the Mudanda rock, Yatta plateau, Lugard falls, Aruba dam, wildlife and bird species. Animals found in Tsavo west national park include lions, cape buffaloes, elephants, black rhinoceros, , aardwolf, yellow baboon, bat, Cape buffalo, Senegal, southeast African cheetah, African civet, Kirk's dik-dik, African wild dog, African dormouse, blue duiker, bush duiker, Harvey's red duiker, common eland,  bat-eared fox, northern greater galago, Grant's gazelle, rusty-spotted genet, common genet, gerenuk, giraffe, African savanna hare, springhare, Coke's hartebeest, Hunter's hartebeest, East African hedgehog, spotted hyena, striped hyena, yellow-spotted rock hyrax, southern tree hyrax, impala, black-backed jackal, side-striped jackal, klipspringer, lesser kudu, leopard, lion, banded mongoose, dwarf mongoose and many more. 

Birds in Tsavo East national park are over 500 species and they include African finfoot, Black-faced Sandgrouse, Fischer’s starling, Golden pipit, Golden-breasted starling, Lesser kestrel, Martial eagle, Northern brownbul, Pangani Longclaw, Red-bellied parrot, Rufous chatterer, Shelley’s starling, Slender-tailed nightjar, Somali bee-eater, Somali bunting, Somali ostrich, Taita falcon, Taita fiscal, vulturine guinea fowl and many more 

Things to do in Tsavo East national park include game viewing, bird watching, trekking and camping 

Mount Kenya national park 

Mount Kenya national park is an iconic national park in Kenya situated in the eastern side of the great rift valley in a distance of about 193 kilometers North-East of Nairobi, Mount Kenya national park stretches around mount Kenya an ancient extinct volcano and the second highest mountain in Africa standing at the elevation of 5,199 meters above the sea level. Mount Kenya is one of the highlight attractions in Mount Kenya national park offering mountain climbing experience as tourists intend to reach of one the peaks of this extinct volcanic mountain, peaks of Mount Kenya include Batian at elevation of 5,199 meters, Nelion at the elevation of 5,188 meters and Point Lenana at 4,985meters.

Mount Kenya national park is a habitat to various species of wildlife and birds, animals include elephants, cape buffaloes, white colobus monkeys, black and white colobus monkey, skyes monkey, bush pig, genet cat, spotted hyena, white tailed mongoose, suni, black-fronted duiker, bushbucks, waterbucks, elands, giant forest hog, leopards, mole rat and many more. Bird species in Mount Kenya national park are 130 bird species and they include Abbott’s starling, lesser kestrel, Jackson’s widowbird, Sharpe’s Longclaw, olive Ibis, cape Eagle-owl, purple-throated cuckoo-shrike, long-tailed widow bird, Abyssinian owl, cape crowned eagle and many more.

Things to do in Mount Kenya national park include game viewing, mountain climbing, cave exploration, scenic viewing and camping.

Lake Nakuru national park

Lake Nakuru national park is a fascinating haven of both wildlife and birds situated on the floor of Great Rift Valley in the south of Nakuru county and in a distance of about 164 kilometers from Nairobi, Lake Nakuru national park covers an area of 45 square kilometers comprising of the magnificent lake Nakuru which is a major attraction in the park and a habitat of birds. Lake Nakuru is a rift valley soda lake sitting at the elevation of 1,754 meters above the sea level, this lake attracts a high concentration of birds including the pink flamingoes because of the algae on the lakes’ shore line.

Lake Nakuru national park is recognized habitats of a variety bird and wildlife species, animals in the park include eastern black rhinos, southern white rhinos, warthogs, baboons, Rothschild giraffe, lions, leopards, cheetahs, bushbucks, elands, vervet monkeys, olive baboons, black and white colobus monkeys and many more. Bird species in this park are over 450 species and they include lesser and greater flamingoes, great white pelicans, Hottentot, Maccoa duck, southern Pochard, northern shoveler, cape teal, common teal and many more. Other attractions in Lake Nakuru national park include the rhino sanctuary, unique vegetation, Makalia waterfalls, rhino cycle event held every September and numerous hills such as Enasoit, Honeymoon, Lion hill ridge and many others.

Flamingos in Lake Nakuru National Park

Things to do in Lake Nakuru national park include game viewing, bird watching, camping, guided nature walks and scenic sightings. 

Nairobi National Park 

Nairobi national park the only world’s national park in a capital city is located in south region of  Nairobi the capital city of Kenya in a short drive out of Nairobi’s central business district, this one of a kind national park offers tourists to enjoy wilderness and animals with a backdrop of city skyscrapers and aero planes flying over the sky as they land at Jomo Kenyatta international airport.

Nairobi national park covers an area of 117 square kilometers which dominated by open grass plains, grasslands and acacia bushes, the park is a habitat to over 100 mammal species including lions, leopards, hyena, cheetah, buffalo, zebras, wildebeests, hippos and many more. There is a variety species found in Nairobi national park with over 400 species, they include Madagascar pond-heron, Jackson’s window bird, corncrake, lesser kestrel, red throated tit, shoebill stork, Stephanoaetus coronatus, casmerodius albus, buphagus, africanus and many more. Other tourist attractions in Lake Nakuru national park include picnic sites, rhino sanctuary, ivory burning site monument and walking trails on which tourists get an opportunity to walk with the hippos.  

Things to do in Nairobi national park include picnic, camping, game viewing, bird watching and nature walking safaris.

Hell’s Gate national park

Hell’s Gate national park is a scenically fascinating national park with numerous a spectacular landscape made up of towering cliffs, water-gouged gorges, stark rock towers (Fischer’s Tower and Central tower), scrub clad volcanoes and belching plumes of geothermal steam. Hell’s gate national park is located south of Lake Naivasha in the Rift Valley province, North West of Nairobi with Nakuru as the nearest city, the park covers an area of 68.25 square kilometers.

Apart from numerous land forms Hell’s Gate national park is a home to various species of wildlife and bird species, animals found in this park include lions, cheetahs, leopards, serval, klipspringer antelope , chanler’s mountain reedbuck, zebras, hyraxes, elands, hartebeests, buffaloes, gazelles, hyenas, baboons and many more. Birds in Hell’s Gate national park are over 103 species and include the rare lammergeyer vultures, verreaux’s eagles, augur buzzards, swifts, hyraxes, swifts and many more. Other attractions in Hell’s gate national park include hot springs, nature trails, health spa and Olkaria Geothermal station.

Things to do in Hell’s Gate national park include biking, bid watching, game viewing, camping, hiking, rock climbing and guided nature walks.

Mount Elgon national park

Mount Elgon national park lies in two countries that is Uganda and Kenya only bisected by the border of Uganda and Kenya, Mountain Elgon national park of Kenya covers an area 168 square kilometers and it was gazetted in 1968. This park derives its name from Mount Elgon the highlight attraction of the park, Mount Elgon is an extinct shield volcano situated along the border of Uganda and Kenya north of Kisumu and west of Kitale on the Kenya park.

Mount Elgon national park consists of numerous tourist attractions such as 5 major peaks with only visible in Kenya that are Koitobos peak at the altitude of 4,222 meters and Sudek at the elevation of 4,321 meters. There is a variety of wildlife and bird life in the park, wildlife species include defassa waterbucks, elephants, oribis, bush bucks, buffaloes, spotted hyenas, black and white colobus monkeys and many more. Birds in Mount Elgon national park are about 296 species and they include black collared Apalis, Jackson’s francolin, lammergeyer black-shouldered kite, tacazze sunbird and many more. 

Things to do in Mount Elgon national park include mountain climbing, rock climbing, bird watching, game, hiking and nature walks 


National Reserves in Kenya

Masai Mara National Reserve 

Masai Mara national reserve is a world’s famous tourist destination and the most popular protected area in Kenya, this reserved is located in the great rift valley of Kenya in Narok country bordering Serengeti national park of Tanzania. Masai Mara national reserve covering an area of 1,510 square kilometers is dominated by open plains, rolling hills and fed by two rivers (Mara River and Talek River). 

Masai Mara national reserve is mostly known for hosting a huge concentration of wildlife species including the big five and the great wildebeest migration, the great wildebeest migration involves the migration of thousands of wildebeests, zebras, gazelles from Serengeti national park with river crossing at Mara River. Wildebeest migration is best watched in the period of July – September, other animals in Masai Mara national reserve include lions, leopards, elephants, buffaloes , rhinos, crocodiles, zebras, antelopes, bat-eared fox, elands and many more. Masai mara national reserve is an important birding site with over 470 recorded birds and 60 migrant species and many raptors, birds include red-throated tit, Hildebrandt’s starling, foxy lark, long-billed pipit, pale wren-warbler, red-tailed and sooty chats, white-bellied and Senegal, red capped lark, Fischer’s sparrow lark and many more. 

Safari activities to do in Masai Mara national reserve include game viewing, birdwatching, cultural walks, walking safaris and balloon safaris.

Wildebeest Migration in Masai Mara National Reserve

Arabuko Sokoke forest reserve

Arabuko Sokoke forest reserve is located on the Kenya coast 110 kilometers north of Mombasa, Arabuko Sokoke forest reserve lies between the towns of Kilifi and Malindi and borders Arabuko Sokoke Forest national park in the north-western edge of the forest. This forest reserve is the largest extant fragment of the forests that were once covering the East African coast, Arabuko Sokoke forest reserve covers an area of 420 square kilometers comprising the largest and most intact coastal forest in East Africa. 

Arabuko Sokoke forest reserve is a home to 40 recorded mammal species and over 270 bird species, mammals in the reserve include African elephant, African buffalo, Africa civet, caracal, Skye’s monkeys, yellow baboons, lesser Galago, Sokoke bushy tailed mongoose, Ader’s duiker and golden-rumped elephant. Birds in Arabuko Sokoke forest reserve include Clarke’s weaver, Amani sunbird, east coast Akalat, Sokoke scops owl, Sokoke pipit, spotted ground thrush and many more. There is also 49 reptiles and 25 amphibian species in Arabuko Sokoke forest reserve  

Safari activities to do in Arabuko Sokoke forest reserve include game drive, butterfly watching, bird watching, cycling, forest/nature walks, camping, and visiting Gendi town, cycling and picnicking. 

Kakamega forest national reserve

Kakamega forest national reserve hosts the only tropical rain forest in Kenya of Guineo-congolian type, this reserve is located in western Kenya Kakamega County in Kakamega East district. Kakamega forest national reserve together with Kakamega forest covers an area of 238 square kilometers together with the forest.

Kakamega forest national reserve is a home to various mammal species and bird species, animals in the reserve include bush pig, giant forest hedgehog, colobus monkey, DeBrazza monkey, potto, clawless otter, bushbucks, Aardvarks, porcupines, lizards, squirrels and many more. There are also snakes in the reserve such as black lipped cobra, rhinoceros horned viper, Gabon viper, forest cobra.

Kiunga National Marine Reserve

Kiunga National Marine Reserve is an enchanted underwater world located in the further north along Kenya’s Indian Ocean coast in Lamu district, Coast Province, this marine reserve covers an area of 270 square kilometers comprising of 50 islands and coral reefs in Lamu Archipelago. 

The ultimate tourist attraction in Kiunga national marine reserve is the marine life which include 

  • reptiles/fish - sea turtles, olive Ridley, leatherback, turtles reef fish
  • insects/arthropods – lobsters, sea urchins, sea star, crabs, mosquitos
  • Island – Island 

Safari activities to do in Kiunga national marine reserve include wind surfing, water skiing, sunbathing, diving and snorkeling.

Mwea National reserve 

Mwea National reserve is located in the Eastern province of Mbeera district in a distance of about of 200 kilometers from Nairobi, this reserve covers an area of 42 square kilometers which is dominated by savannah ecosystem and comprises of small hills, bushy vegetation and scattered large trees (Baobab and acacia). Mwea national reserve is crossed by river Tana and River Thiba. 

Mwea national reserve is a home to a huge concentration of wildlife and bird species, animals include African elephants, lesser kudus, Nile crocodiles, giraffes, grant’s zebras, buffaloes, African leopards, common duikers, black-backed jackals, bushbucks, waterbucks, skyes’ monkeys, warthogs, rock hyraxes, bush pigs, impalas, hartebeests, yellow baboons, stripped ground squirrels and common Genet cat. Mwea national park is an important birding area with over 200 bird species Malagasy pond heron, white backed night heron, Hindes babbler, pels fishing owl and many more.  Other tourist attractions in Mwea National reserve include Kamburu dam

Safari activities to do in Mwea national reserve include game viewing, bird watching, boat riding, camping, nature guided walks, boat rides, and picnics. 

Shimba hills national reserve

Shimba hills national reserve is the only protected area in Kenya hosting sable Antelopes with about 100 individuals, the park is located in Coast Province of Kenya and lies in a distance of 33 kilometers from Mombasa and 15 kilometers from the Kenyan coast. Shimba hills national reserve covers an area of 300 square kilometers comprising of rich flora and fauna, the reserve comprises of one of the largest coastal forest in East Africa coming second to Arabuko-Sokoke forest.

Shimba hills national reserve is a habitat to a variety of wildlife species and bird species, Shimba hills national reserve’s animal population includes a big population of elephants with over 700 individuals. Other animals include endangered Sable antelopes, giraffes, leopards, genet, civet cat, hyenas, waterbuck, bush pig, buffalo, African bush baby, bush buck, coastal black and white colobus, duikers (blue, red and bush), skyes monkey, serval cat and many more. Birds in Shimba hills national reserve are over 100 bird species and they include ostrich, eagles, falcon, cuckoo, guinea-fowl, honey guide, hornbill, quail, Uluguru and many more. Other tourist attractions in Shimba hills national reserve include Sheldrick falls, Marere dam, the elephant hill and forests.

Safari activities to do in Shimba hills national reserve include game viewing, birding hiking, visiting the falls and guided nature walks.

Tana River Primate reserve 

Tana River Primate reserve is located in south-eastern region of Kenya and east of Nairobi the capital city, this reserve covers an area of 170 square kilometers which comprises of semi-arid savanna woodlands and small patches of riverine forest. Tana River primate reserve which crossed by Tana River which the permanent source of water and from which the reserve derives its name, this reserve was established majorly to protect and conserve two endangered primate species that are red colobus monkeys and Mangabey. 

Tana River primate reserve is a habitat to a high concentration of wildlife and bird life species, animals include Red colobus monkeys, Mangabey, Grevy’s zebra, buffalo, Oryx, lesser kudu, crocodiles and hippos. Birds in Tana River are over 262 species and they include African open bill stork, martial eagle, bat hawk, African pygmy-falcon, African barred owlet, scaly babbler, black-bellied glossy-starling, golden pipit and many more. 

Safari activities to do in Tana River Primate reserve include game viewing, bird watching, walking trails and primate watching. 

Samburu national reserve 

Samburu national reserve is one of the less popular in Kenya situated alongside the Ewaso Nyiro River in a distance of 345 kilometers from Nairobi, Samburu national reserve is situated in the northeastern corner of Samburu District in the rift valley province of Kenya and it is bordered by Ewaso Nyiro river in the south creating a boundary with Buffalo springs national reserve. 

Samburu national reserve covers an area of 165 square kilometers, this reserve is famously known for being one of the two areas conservationists George and Joy Adamson raised Elsa the Lioness which was made popular in the best-selling book and award-winning movie Born Free.

Samburu national reserve is dominated by a mixture of vegetation zones which include acacia, riverine forest, thorn trees and grassland vegetation. This reserve is a habitat to a variety of wildlife and bird life species, animals in Samburu national reserve include lion, cheetah, African lion, elephant, Cape buffalo, hippopotamus, Grevy’s zebra, Oryx, reticulated giraffe, warthogs, grant’s gazelles, kirk’s dik-dik, impala, waterbucks, olive baboons and many more. Bird species in Samburu national reserve are over 350 bird species and they include grey-headed kingfisher, sunbirds, bee-eaters, Marabou stork, tawny eagle, Verreaux’s eagle, Bateleur, vulture guinea fowl, yellow-necked spurfowl, lilac-breasted roller, secretary bird, superb starling, northern red-billed hornbill, yellow-billed hornbill, vultures such as palm-nut vulture and many more.

Tourist activities to do in Samburu national reserve include bird watching, cultural visits, game drives, photography and scenic viewing.

Buffalo springs national reserve 

Buffalo springs national reserve is located in the northern region of Kenya in Isiolo district at the northern foot hills of Mount Kenya, Buffalo springs national reserve covers an area of 131 square kilometers and it is separated from Samburu national parks by Ewaso Nyiro River.

Buffalo springs national reserve generally futures old lava flow and olivine basalt volcanic soils plain and it experiences dry, hot and semi –arid climatic  conditions, this park is popular for being a habitat to a wide range of animals and bird life. Animals living in Buffalo springs national reserve include endangered Grevy’s zebra, elephant, gerenuk, Oryx, giraffe, leopard, lion, cheetah, hyena, buffalo, hippos and crocodiles found in the river and many more. Bird species found in Samburu national reserve are over 365 species and they include Somali ostriches, acacia tit, Ashy cisticola, Bare-eyed thrush, black-bellied sunbirds, chestnut-headed sparrow lark, golden pipit, golden-breasted starling, hunter’s sunbirds, northern brownbul, palm-nut vultures, pink-breasted lark, palm-nut vultures and many more.

Safari activities to do in Buffalo springs national reserve include game viewing, nature walks, cultural visits, nature walks and bird watching.

Shaba National reserve 

Shaba National reserve lies northern region of Ewaso Nyiro River and east of the Samburu national park, Shaba national reserve covering an area of 130 square kilometers is located in Kenya’s less visited Northern frontier province. This park is fed by the Ewaso Nyiro River which is a permanent water source serving two other national reserves that are Buffalo springs national reserve and Samburu national reserve.

Shaba national reserve was made popular as a peaceful reserve by Joy Adamson the author of the famous best-selling book and award winning movie titled Born Free. This park is generally semi desert with a combination of a semi-arid desert, volcanic rocks and riverine forests. Shaba national reserve is a home to a reasonable concertation of wildlife and bird species, animals include  Masai giraffes, grant’s zebra though less common, Klipspringer, hyrax, Aardvarks, warthogs, bat-eared foxes, common eland, impala, grant’s gazelle, gerenuk, greater kudu, lesser kudu, lions, black-backed jackal, stripped hyena, spotted hyena, reticulated giraffes, African leopards, elephants and many more. Birds in Shaba national reserve are over 390 species and they include Somali ostrich, great egret, African darter, white headed vulture, martial eagle, yellow-billed Oxpecker, acacia tit, African palm swift, shy cisticola, bare-eyed thrush, black bellied sunbird, brown tailed rock chat, chestnut-headed sparrow lark, chestnut weaver, Fischer’s starling, golden pipet and many more.

Safari activities to do in Shaba national reserve include game viewing, bird watching guided nature walks, cultural encounters and scenic viewing.